Welcome To The Mass Global Meditation Page
Wondering what we're up to?
Learn what we have planned for the coming months
Listen To The Immersive Podcast
The Immersive Podcast (TIP) Hosted by: Tyler @ttivador and sometimes, Jane @WeRall_inthistogether Tyler is a professional Musician, Writer, Life-Long Learner! From Disclosure, Special Gifts, Artists, Channelers, Aliens and more! @ttivador Youtube Interview Premiere w/ Ismael Perez @the_real_ismael_perez

Learn More About Your Cosmic Origins....Arcturian, Pleiadians, And, Lyrans, Oh My...
Arcturians, Pleiadians, And Lyrans

Global Mass Mediation - All Shift Happily Now **Replays**
Greetings, lovely Shifters!
We hope this message finds you filled with joy and peace.
We just want to start off by saying, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
Thank you for joining us in our first ever All Shift Happily Now meditations
We were absolutely blown away by the amount of support and participation we received from each and every one of you.
Together, we were able to bring in a whopping 12,000 people from all different platforms!
Can you believe it?
It's amazing what we can achieve when we come together with a common goal in mind but we didn't stop there!
6-23-23, Kaedrich Olsen and Reuben Langdon of Gaia TV, Natalie of Divine Transmissions, Althea of Lightcodesbyala, and Sandra of Official Akura, will be a truly unique experience that will activate cosmic energies and expand your consciousness beyond what you may have experienced before.
We keep Mina of minafultravels and Ismael of projecthorizon1 in our thoughts as they venture to Mt Shasta for an event
This group will focus on using light language, channeled cosmic codes, and other techniques by an amazing team
The theme this meditation will focus on grounding, heart expansion and cleansing, lifting old programming and densities, connecting heart and throat chakras, and of course sending healing and much love and light to Gaia.
If you'd like to watch the replays you can find them here
With love and gratitude,
The All Shift Happily Now Team